Category: Uncategorized

  • The Illusion of Relief

    When there is happiness, it ends. Everything ends. When there are troubles, we seem to think that their ending is a welcome thing. That we were born is something that we can do nothing about. While we are alive, we should try and remember that having a body is not really pleasure or a gift.…

  • Asking for Nothing

    In the midst of distress or even pain, seeking solace seems appropriate. However if we keep in mind that we seek all the time, we might come upon the realization that seeking itself is suffering. Want is insufficiency and when pain generates it, perhaps we could choose to pause and not look for resolution. When…

  • Sitting with Distress

    Learning how to just sit with distress has many benefits. The measure of how we are presents no commentary. The resources we have at hand to ease our situation, however, include the commentary we involuntarily engage in. Our measure of how things are though begins as a silent knowing. It is from this silence that…